Join us for a double feature of online radio dramas by The Two of Us Productions.
In The Face Of Death, one evening Lamont Cranston (a.k.a. The Shadow) meets two friends, George & Ralph, with their acquaintances Lucy & Helen. After the ladies leave, Cranston pulls George aside to ask why he seems so preoccupied and is shocked to hear that he is afraid that Medusa will turn him to stone if he doesn’t pay the ransom she demands!
In The Whole Town Is Sleeping, we meet Miss Lavinia Nebbs, who is going to the movies with her friends. They are all concerned with two recent murders in their quiet town, but still walk across a dark ravine’s bridge to get to the theater. It is on the path through the ravine that they find the dead body of the third victim of “The Lonely One”.
This online event is free on Zoom. Register to get the link at or email Donations are gratefully accepted.